Since 1965, the Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri (CAPNEMO) has been dedicated to serving low-income individuals and families in our region. As service providers, mentors, educators, volunteers, and neighbors, we work together to create environments where individuals, families, and communities can achieve independence and success. We invite you to be a part of this mission by volunteering with us!

Volunteers play an essential role in our ability to provide high-quality services to hundreds of families every month. We rely on the support of volunteers in all areas of our work, especially in our Head Start and Early Head Start programs, where we are required to match every $1 of federal funding with $.25 in community contributions. We also offer opportunities for Work Study and Scholarship hours for college students.

Volunteers are needed in the following departments:

  • Head Start
  • Community Development
  • Transportation
  • General Office

Many of our departments can use the support of an intern.

  • Development/Event Planning
  • Office/Finance Support

Your time and support can make a significant impact in the lives of individuals and families in Northeast Missouri. We look forward to having you join our efforts to strengthen our community.